ROP Devlog #7

helllllllllo (this is not an april fools post, i cannot overstate how much i despise this “holiday”)

i hope everyone had a happy Easter if you celebrate! currently im visiting my parents, but my Easter was filled with writing….silly things :) scripting has been going very well lately! just on the cusp of 30k words and about halfway through my outlined content. im feeling really confident about the writing side of things, and while i don’t think ill finish it earlier than the end of april, i think im on track for where i want to be. soooo at least i got that going for me, because i already know the art and coding side of things is gonna kick my ass.

now, to ruin this happy little progress update lets take an extended look at the man who has consistently topped every poll since this game's inception

do you think he makes mercenyas panties as wet as twitters? or maybe it’s just the rain….

until next time, when hopefully writing will be wrapped up!


Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE


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Twitter is waaaaay thirstier. No contest.

it’s true she’s no match for the vyka simps