ROP Devlog #3


I hope everyone had a good November, and my American pals had a good holiday! A warning before proceeding - this is going to be a short, vent-y devlog.

The seasonal depression has been hitting me hard this year. I’ve barely worked on ROP this past month, and when I have I just feel overwhelmed at how much work there still is to do for it. Extremely first world problem to have here, I know, but I just feel like a failure as a developer when I have other things I want to do that AREN’T devving. Dnd for example, probably takes up a good 20-30 hours of my week. I’m in 4 campaigns, one of which I DM for - and a LOT goes into prep time for that on top of the 2-3 hours for the others. There’s other things too, but it’s not worth getting into here. The point is, there’s a combination of things that have just really slowed down production of the game and my mental is really taking a toll currently.

Speaking of dnd - I actually called off any sessions for my game until the new year so I could have more time to dedicate to writing for rop, BUT…fate is always working against me, because we decided to take this downtime to update our vtt and everything just kind of broke so I now have to spend even more time fixing everything. 💀

I’m sorry this isn’t really a fun or fruitful update, but I just want to be transparent about progress. Rest assured, I will never abandon this game; it’s my dream project and basically my baby lol. As an ending note here, for something a little happier in this mess of a devlog…I thought ROP would be the only game I ever develop. A one pump chump with my magnum opus. However….after ROP’s full release (so, years from now) I am toying with the idea of creating a sequel fan game for one of my favorite otome games. Could be interesting 👀

See you all in 2024!

- sylla

Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE

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