ROP Devlog #2

Happy Halloween (and belated Halloween to some timezoners)!

I wanted to do these devlogs monthly, but given the nature of the game and the day I thought it would be more fitting to do it today. Admittedly, there is really not much to say! I've been drafting two more scenes, and that's been going pretty smooth so far. Current word count is somewhere around 15k, and there's still SO much more to write. Which brings me to my next point - I completely understimated the scope of my own game, a common pitfall of first time developers. Now, don't fret! I don't plan on cutting anything down, and since I am under no pressure or time constraints I personally don't feel it's a big deal. All it means is you're going to be bearing with me and my ramblings for a long, long time πŸ˜‚ My original hope at the start of this year was to have the entire common route out by the end of this year, but I'll be honest that most definitely aint happening. The new fun goal is to have it read for Otome Jam 2024! As long as I keep slowly chipping away at this day by day, I think that will be manageable. 

CG Update

Oh....what's up with AJ's eyes I wonder?


I've already posted this little preview on twitter, but for those of you who have played the little prologue demo you might notice that this looks like a completely different style than the CG in that. And you're right, it is! When I initially made the one in the prologue, I was experimenting with a more painterly style, less and loose lines, and while I am still pleased with that final result - it's just not something I really care to do again. So I'm sorry if the sudden swap puts people off or they just don't like this one, but from now on the CGs will be in my normal style (all my hard, sketchy lines and crappy rendering galore πŸ˜‚). It's familiar territory and I can work quicker, for better or worse. 

Welp, that's all I've got for now! Oh, but for a nice spooky treat - go check out this stream by Oona! They played lots of fun and short indies for a Halloween stream, ROP included if you wanna check out their reactions πŸ˜‰

- sylla

Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE


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at least you realized about the scope early on! And we don’t mind waiting πŸ˜‡

Aaaaaaahhhhhhh thank you for putting up with my shenanigans min 😭❀️