ROP Devlog #6

if the 29th isnt real...then how can this devlog be real

memes aside, i hope everyone had a nice valentines day! here are the little joke cards i made on twitter in case you missed them 



now...onto some real updates!

im still in scripting hell, BUT it is going slow and steady. art is the real bamboozle, and it only gets worse as i come up with more cg ideas! ahhh why must i do this to myself!!! no, sylla, you should NOT put 30 cgs in the common route. b-but..i want all the dead ends to have at least one...and they really make sense at these parts....sigh. we'll see, i suppose.

now, i know this isn't exactly a pretty presentation here and that everyone would much rather see previews in game - but i dont code any script in until its all been beta read and finalized so im not scrambling like a madwoman making edits in renpy, then having to redistribute another build for betareading, etc. you will look at the plain text and you will like it!!! lets take a look at the first interaction players will witness between Mercenya and Damon, our resident asshole megane.


He momentarily stopped, and she could feel his gaze on her.

 d “I’d say you’re definitely in the upper echelons of that scale.”

She paused and looked up at him with the most unamused expression she could muster.

m “Is this your attempt at flirting, Mr. Raltz? A poor attempt if so.”

d “Quite daring with our comedy today, are we.”

m “It comes so easily when speaking with you.”

Their exchanges always went like this.

Dry jabs at one another and discussing random things of no importance.

d “Truthfully speaking, you’re not my type.”

m “Did you not just say I rank high on your ‘objective scale’?”

d “I’m talking about the finer, subjective details.”

m “I see…sorry to disappoint you.”

d “Hmph. So there’s the first point, the second is arguably more important.”

d “While my current salary is above the national average, once I complete my residency it will essentially double with the field I’m going into.”

She drowned out the sound of his voice as he rambled on about his apparent “strong points” as she ran the books through the scanner.


wow! such a rude guy! i wonder if theres more to him than meets the eye...(or glasses, in this case)

before i sign off for the month here, id like to throw in some little extra tidbits.

some of the common route scenes i am most looking forward to writing&illustrating..👀

1. The Feeding/Runaway Lovers

2. Mirror Mirror on the Wall

3. Innocent Bystander

two of these have something in common..look forward to finding out what that is 😩 anddddd last but not least, heres the song i have been listening to on loop recently for my personal favorite mercy pairing in the game as i think of all the scenes i will be writing for that route 

until next time!

- sylla

Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE

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