ROP Devlog #5


i hope everyones 2024 is off to a great start! while mine is going good, it hasnt been very productive as far as game dev goes. im not only enjoying stuff from my own backlog, but ive been going back and forth on a few things for rop that have me in a bit of a tizzy. one of those things is...the name?! i dont know, im just not really feeling it anymore but at the same time its so attached to this project i just dont really know if i should change it. i dont even know what i would change it to! the second is actually something important - rian. rather than writing new material, ive been going back over scenes for him that i have written already and redone them (a few times now...) trying to get his character right. 

rian is a VERY special character to me. he is based off of my first ever dnd character (fun fact - mercenya was another ttrpg character of mine! this game may or may not be enacting some weird, self indulgent OC crossover fantasies lmao) and i knew he had to be in this. the problem is og rian, while an overall nice guy, was also extremely arrogant, flirty, pushy, and horny af. and you know who else fits those words exactly to a t? vyka (well..maybe minus the nice part). i dont want 2 characters who are basically copy pastes of the other, and it just all around fit vyka for the game more since hes someone who has acted on every intrusive thought hes ever had. so ive tried to retain as much of og rian as possible (hell they even have the same occupation) but steer him towards a much more respectable and sunshine boy role. and im okay with that! but his dialogue was feeling really stiff imo, so ive just been going back and forth on fixing how he should speak, how far he goes with his words, etc. things like that.;dr, yes i have been working on scripting! just not really "new" things that push the progress bar up. well, there is one new thing )thats not even finished yet) but if youve been keeping up with my twitter, you know that i have started on andersens sprite! heres a shot of him with some of the other boys for a size comparison. speaking of sprites - i am dreading doing alternate poses for everyone. i havent even done alt expressions for them on their first set yet...sigh. so much work to do 😭 please forgive me with how slow i am.

see you next month!

- sylla

Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE

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