ROP Devlog #1

Wowie, my first one of these! I figured I should start posting game stuff here since twitter's character limit is...well, limiting. So a few days ago I finally released the dinky little prologue section of Ring of Prey, and this is something I had talked about doing for a while now. I know it doesn't seem like much at all, but I really just wanted something real and tangible to show everyone. This is so that 1) I could prove to people that I AM actually working on this project, even though it's at a snail's pace. 2) To prove to myself that I CAN DO THIS. Seriously, I'm the type of person that typically gives up on projects I start; yet here I am, roughly half a year later and I'm still working on it.

Now, speaking of twitter - if you follow me on there you probably know that recently I've been suffering through a nasty bout of covid. It definitely set things back and honestly I am still not 100%, and maybe the little prologue portion feels rushed because of it. I can only hope to do better next release.

Now, going forward I've thought of how I want to handle things. Being a solo dev is a LOT of work, and I'm not JUST a dev - I have things I wanna do too, ya know? Between parenting, DND (I am currently in 3 campaigns, one of which I DM and do a TON of prep for) and then games that I want to play it means I am not dedicating my full time to this. I know that upsets some people, but I'm only human and I ain't even getting paid for this. In fact, I am only losing money XD

So to ease up on my workload, I've decided to do things in updates rather than try and get everything done at once. If you look at the game page, you might notice how ot says there are only 6 CGs planned for the next update. There are SO many I want to do, but it's just not feasible to have everything I want done that isn't 8 years from now. That's why I will do some quality updates every now and then wether its adding CGs or new sprites, what have you. I realize this is going to annoy a lot of people, but this is for my own mental health. Rome wasn't built in a day, and games aren't either, people!

Now onto some more juicier stuff! I do have MOST of the common route outlined, as well the very beginning of it scripted. Allow me to give a visual representation:

THIS IS JUST THE COMMON ROUTE OUTLINE. I had to zoom out to like 25% for this, and even then paste it in multiple parts 😂 That little section within the red bracket scribble? That's what is currently scripted (including the prologue). Just that portion alone is 7.4k words! So trust me when I say the first actual portion of the game is going to be BEEFY. My current plan is to sort of break the script down into sections, mostly in chronological order (so script -> draw any art assets -> code it in) but while also scripting the scenes on the side that I have particular brainrots about (and oh boy there are a LOT of them.)

Just know that even if it doesn't seem like it, I am committed to bringing this game to life and to you all and your continued support means the world to me.

- sylla

P.S. It's October, go on a fun date with Mercy in the prologue if you haven't already 😉

Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE


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I'm excited to see the progress you made!! I remember just seeing the outline, and now you have something tangible! Super proud and excited to check it out <3