ROP Devlog #4

Happpppppy New Year everyone!

I hope everyone had happy holidays! If you read the last devlog, you know that I have been seriously slacking on the game - that still holds true, December was also not too great overall not to mention I was away on vacation for a bit with no pc and only just got back. 



I do have some news to share!

First off, I made a shitpost about an Andersen R18 one-shot if certain parameters were met. Now, while they didn't quite get there...the downloads actually really exceeded expectations! So..I've decided to go forward with it anyways! Yeahhhh more sex and degeneracy!!! (and more work for me lol)

I already have some ideas for writing, but I'm not gonna do that proper until everything else for the base game's common route is squared away. That being said, after all the main art assets are done, I am going to actually make his as well and incorporate it as his side portrait in the prologue section! Then you'll be able to see his smugness in real time! Hell yeah! This little DLC will be released as a free side story some time after - I'll do it before the main routes.

Now, I am admittedly feeling a bit better and I am going to try and put more effort than I have been the past few months. Slow and steady wins the race! Before ending this devlog though, I do have another surprise...for my birthday, a friend drew me some AMAZING Rian x Mercenya art and has given me permission to share it with you all! You can get a little sneak peek at the dynamic between them 😏

Please go support him on Twitter! 


If you've made it this far, thank you for reading - here's hoping for a banger 2024!


Get Ring of Prey - PROLOGUE

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